Laser Periodontal Therapy in Austin and Round Rock

What is Periodontal Laser Treatment?

The laser periodontal treatment is a laser-based approach for advanced gingivitis, or periodontal disease. Laser periodontal therapy is highly recommended to patients because only the diseased or affected tissue is removed and not the healthy tissue. This procedure also allows us to maintain the height of the tissue around teeth, minimize pain and discomfort, close the periodontal “pocket” or space, and allow healing to take place. This treatment means patients can expect less pain and discomfort, less bleeding, minor swelling, and less recovery time. Furthermore, laser periodontal therapy is also less costly.

Laser Periodontal Therapy Procedure at Optima Dental Surgery

The following video outlines the treatment step-by-step.

Treatment for Gingivitis and Periodontitis in Austin

We offer periodontal treatment services like laser periodontal therapy and gum grafting. Call us for immediate help at (512) 341-2321 or fill out our contact form to schedule your complimentary consultation with our Lakeway or Round Rock team.

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